Design Work

brand design

cut paper illustration

hand illustration

UofL Center for Healthy Air Water & Soil Junior Achievement - 3 activity booklets commissioned by the Envirome Institute

digital illustration

memorial design - 1 of 11 finalists for the Team KY COVID-19 Memorial

Bikesense Louisville public art project

Sound walks - app design in javaScript using appfurnace

See PROJECTS for other examples of design in my art practice

Design Teaching

Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY
2D Design - 2D design fundamentals, shoe design, quilt design
3D Design - boxnet design, designed play: toys and playgrounds
Digital Foundations - Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoShop, Premiere, animation

Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, IN
Digital Art: Survey & Practice - Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop, Premiere, animation

Hanover College, Hanover, IN
Illustration 1 - infographics: designing data, scientific illustration, editorial cartoons

University at Buffalo SUNY, Buffalo, NY
Digital Practices - Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop, processing: creative coding

Telluride Mountain School, Telluride, CO
Projects: book jacket design, PSA poster design, neck gaiter design, p5Js, Rock & Roll Academy band promotion: logo design, website design