Environmental Art - Winter 2019
A studio course focused on creating personal connections to place through four major projects. These projects included using found and discarded materials, creating a wearable sculpture representing an animal or cyborg technology, a ritual, and a sacrifice.
From the course syllabus
Notes on site-specificity and this course.
We will be spending a lot of in-class time outside. You are also expected to spend time outdoors outside of class to prepare, observe, collect, install ideas and objects for projects. Dress appropriately. Come to appreciate all weather, all times of day. Use your time wisely. Account for the time to walk to places that are hard to get to, or off the beaten trail. Take your headphones off and listen. Keep your sketchbook close at hand. Use your phones sparingly to record sounds and take photographs.
You are expected to find an area on campus to claim for yourself that is in walking distance from the CFA. This is relative and vague, and meant to be. If it’s a mile walk, that is ok. You will be visiting often and sharing this with the class, so pick within reason.
Pick a place in “nature.” Sit with it. Explore it. Examine it up close. Listen to it, taste it, smell it, feel it. Sense your intuition. Why this place? What feelings come up here? What stories? What memories? Record your thoughts and experiences in your sketchbook.
We will be naming this place. We will be imagining and creating in this place. We will inhabit this place as a new identity, as someone or something else. We will take our past, our knowledge, our wisdom, old and new to this place.
We will be collecting, cleaning, and watching over this place. We will connect and take ownership of this place. We will share this place with others. We will honor this place, and hold ritual in this place.
We will construct new futures for this place, new hopes, new realities. Then we will let this place go.

Photography 1 & 2 - Winter & Fall 2018
A student in Photo2 designed their own site and populated it throughout the semester with photos from each project, including their bio, statement, and CV.

Photo 1 examples from projects ranging in theme from people, composites, and glitch.

Drawing 1 - Fall 2018

Sculpture 1 - Winter 2018
Public Memorial maquettes honoring 1973 Tornado that hit Hanover Campus

Inner Demons - clay
Museum of Conspiracy - exhibition displays

Student Work